About Us


Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Worship Service

A warm and hearty welcome to you!

We believe that it is a privilege and honor to worship JESUS, our Risen, Crucified, and Ascended Lord. He has promised His followers that He would always be with them (Matthew 28:20). Still our faith often needs the bolstering we receive from the company of fellow believers. If you are looking for a church to call HOME or a place to worship Jesus with fellow believers, you are welcome to make yourself at home with us; you would be among the family of Christ. 

 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH is a growing, caring, community of believers in Jesus Christ who strengthen one another through prayer, fellowship, and participation in Word and Sacrament ministry to bring others to Christ.  We are a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. http://www.lcms.org. We gather around a common belief in the Triune God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ came into the flesh not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. On the cross He offered Himself as a spotless sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. Through His perfect life and death, He accomplished forgiveness and salvation for all before the Father in heaven. By His empty tomb and ascension into heaven, He declared His victory over sin and death to all the world. Seated now at the Father's right hand, He graciously serves His Church with the gifts of salvation. On the Last Day, he will come again to gather His elect from every nation to celebrate the feast that will have no end.

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH had a humble beginning in 1891. It was formed primarily of German Lutheran immigrants in Morrison County and the community of Little Falls, Minnesota. Circuit rider ministers served the people by gathering them around God's Word and Sacraments, then in 1901 the congregation adopted a new constitution and officially became Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Little Falls, Minnesota. 

Although we are an historical looking church, we have made some recent updates. In 2010 we added handicap reserved parking on the east side of the building, and made the sanctuary, the main floor restrooms, and the church offices handicap accessible. In 2018 we completed the addition of a new ground level handicap accessible FELLOWSHIP HALL.  

 We believe that our Lord serves us today through His Holy Word and Sacraments. Through these means, He comes among us to deliver His forgiveness and salvation, freeing us from our sins and strengthening us for service to one another and to the world. At Holy Baptism, our Lord Jesus puts His name upon us, pours His Holy Spirit into our hearts, and rescues us from sin, death, and the devil. Through Holy Absolution, Jesus pronounces His forgiveness again and again. With His Holy Word, written in Scripture, spoken and preached for our hearing, Jesus daily proclaims His abiding love for us through all the joys and sorrows of life in this world. In His Holy Supper, Jesus gives us His own body and blood to eat and drink as a priceless gift to nourish and strengthen us in both body and soul. 

We believe that in our worship Jesus calls forth our service, in the prayers and songs of praise and thanksgiving to Him and in loving service to one another. Having been called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we receive God's gifts with thankfulness and praise. With psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, we joyfully confess all that God has done for us, declaring the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.